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Dangers at swimming pools include more than drowning

On Behalf of | Jul 25, 2019 | Slip-and-fall Accident Injuries

During these warmer and even downright hot summer months, many residents of Northeast Wisconsin may choose to cool off and have some fun by visiting a swimming pool or a water park. Many aquatic facilities have lots of slides, toys and other fun things for people of all ages to enjoy.

As many can probably guess just by reading some of the warning signs that are posted at pools and water parks, there are a lot of dangers associated with these places that can turn a fun time into a tragic and life-changing nightmare.

Drowning and near drowning is of course one risk associated with any pool. Indeed, drowning remains a leading cause of death for young children, and many of these drownings happen in pools.

However, there are other ways a person can get hurt at a swimming pool. For instance, sometimes the equipment in a pool is defective or dangerous even though it appears to be safe. In other cases, a catastrophic electrical failure can lead to an electric shock.

One common source of injuries at pools that people may not think of is that decks, stairs, ladders and even the floor of the pool itself can get quite slippery. Even when a person is walking and being reasonably careful, a slip-and-fall accident injury can happen should water cause the person to lose balance and fall into the pool or onto a hard surface like concrete.

Even with warning signs and the like, pool owners can be held accountable for these types of injuries depending on the circumstances of the case. As even a slip-and-fall can cause a serious and costly spinal cord or brain injury, these cases often involve high financial stakes for victims. Getting the help of a Northeast Wisconsin slip-and-fall accident injury law firm may be important.
