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Motorcyclist suffers car accident injuries due to drunk driver

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2018 | Car Accident Injuries

Northeast Wisconsin motorcyclists are in danger of being injured or losing their lives in a crash simply due to their inherent vulnerability. When they encounter other vehicles that are being operated recklessly, negligently or by a driver who is under the influence, the danger is enhanced. Since there can be severe injuries and loss of life with a motorcycle crash, the victim and family left behind must consider their options to move forward with a legal filing for compensation.

A motorcyclist suffered significant injuries when he was rear-ended by an alleged drunk driver. The driver then ran over the motorcyclist as he backed up. The accident happened at approximately 11 p.m. The driver of a red Cadillac hit the back of the black Harley-Davidson. After hitting the bike, the driver reversed course and ran over the biker. He was pinned under the vehicle. Once he was freed, he was taken to the hospital.

The 66-year-old driver of the Cadillac was given a field sobriety test and registered a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.13. The legal limit is 0.08. He also said he had taken Oxycodone.

When there is any kind of motor vehicle accident, there are numerous issues that must be considered. Included are medical expenses for treatment, lost time on the job, the inability to contribute to a family and the possibility of long-term damage. When there is a fatality, the family will be forced to accept that they have lost a loved one in a crash and move on from that. A legal filing is often the only strategy to recover a sufficient amount to cover for all that was lost.

In this crash, a driver who was under the influence hit a motorcyclist and then ran over him again, causing serious injuries. As the investigation continues and the motorcyclist’s situation becomes clearer, it is imperative to have legal assistance from a law firm that understands the various aspects of car accident injuries. Northeast Wisconsin car accident injury attorneys can help.
